Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 39 Musings

Change of Perspective...
Last weekend I determined that it was silly to spend everyday mournfully hoping for Ninja's arrival. Instead, Blake and I decided that each day she doesn't come, we will acknowledge and celebrate our remaining independence by doing something fun each evening. On Monday we saw Robin Hood with some friends. Yesterday we ate at Cafe Ole, my favorite Mexican restaurant (the fact that spicy food is supposed to encourage labor is just coincidence, I swear). Tonight we're going to make airpop and watch Nacho Libre (aka most awesome movie ever). Tomorrow? Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings!

What Pregnancy has Taught Me...
- I'm really bad at peeing in a cup.
- My husband is a saint.
- It's possible to outgrow stretchy pants.
- Wearing a dress with a repeating khaki diamond pattern makes one look like a whale caught in a fishing net.

I'm extremely annoyed with just about all things political right now. I'm annoyed that only about 1/5 of Flagstaff residents voted in yesterday's election, and am annoyed and incredulous that those who did vote voted for our ridiculous mayor, and that it looks like she may actually be elected for another term. Also annoying is the fact that my fellow Flagstaffians seem to love paying taxes, and keep asking for more. I mean really, when is enough enough? I shouldn't even get started on the national reaction to Arizona's immigration bill, because thinking about it makes me crabby and it's almost bedtime (good thing I have Nacho Libre to cheer me up). What's ironic to me is the federal government loves sticking its nose in things that are none of its business, but when it comes to protecting our country's borders (which really is its job), it does not deliver. So, Arizona, fed up with the crime increase and financial burden associated with illegal immigration, takes pain to protect itself. So if you're not an Arizonan and can't relate to these issues, mind your own business (I mean, it's good to talk about, but really it doesn't concern you, and trust me, your state has issues too). I could write quite a bit on this, but ranting will serve no purpose except to make me indignant and perturbed. Maybe another day.

On a more cheerful note, Friday is Blake's 26th birthday! Happy birthday to my amazing darling, the love of my life!

1 comment:

  1. Not silly to hope for your baby's arrival a week early...but good coping strategies nonetheless!
