Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My New "Writing" Career!

The idea of subbing was freaking me out. Rather, the idea of leaving my babies three days a week was freaking me out. But something needed to be done financially while Blake's in school. So, at his encouragement, I stumbled upon the illustrious field of content writing. I call it my new "writing" career because it's a fairly lowly form of writing; basically it's ghost writing for various websites that solicit articles from a service I am now a member of. I can pick what I want to write, and get paid (a paltry sum, but it's money!) per word. So far a couple things I've written have been about wheel chocks for airplanes and a university in Australia, for example.

It's actually been really good so far. Though the hourly wage is pretty dismal, it will improve as I improve. It will also discipline me to write everyday, instead of just when I feel like it. And, I get to be home with my babies (though I need to figure out designated writing time when they won't need me)! The company I'm working through has been super fabulous so far; I'm impressed by their professionalism and the fact that they seem to take great care of their writers. Who knows, maybe one day I'll graduate from this and be a real writer!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good gig! I've been snooping for at-home writing jobs. Keep us posted on how it goes!
