Friday, September 30, 2011


Today I scorned several domestic tasks in order to accomplish others. My house is still messy, and nothing got organized (sure, it's not even 2:30, but I'm pretty confidant the only other thing that's getting done today is playing with my babycakes). However, I made round two of biscotti for the week, I peeled, seeded, and stewed a bunch of tomatoes for soup, I baked snickerdoodle blondies, and my biggest accomplishment of all: freezer calzones. I'm not hugely into freezer meals, but with baby number two just weeks away, it seems prudent to have some convenient lunches and dinners on hand. Also, I was stressed because I had half a jar of pasta sauce and some sliced bell peppers in the fridge that I was paranoid would go bad before we could eat them. Solution? Whip up a double batch of homemade whole wheat pizza dough, puree the peppers, some random carrots, a bit of onion, and some olive oil and sautee it, cook up the defrosted ground turkey and add it to the vegetable mix along with the jarred sauce, and toss in some parmesean cheese and oregano. Then, I divided the dough into small pieces and made calzones with the sauce mixture and some mozzarella. I flash froze them and then sealed them up nice and tight in little baggies. Presto! 16 calzones in the freezer; dinner is only 30 minutes away!

Oh, and what's with all the baking? We're throwing a cozy fall coffee house bridal shower this Sunday, and the menu includes an assortment of coffee housey baked goods. I love biscotti so much, and it's so easy to make.

Finally, today I finished a rather substantial translation piece I was asked to do for church. I'm relieved to have it done before the baby comes! It was a fun challenge (the language was much more colloquial than I'm used to) and it was delightful to use my degree for something again! I'm slowly crossing things off the to-do list in preparation for hunkering down for a while with two babies.

Oh, maybe one more thing- it just began to rain! Go figure, I water the garden for the first time in a few days, and it rains this afternoon! But I'll take it! I thought monsoon season was over- praise Jesus for beautiful rain!!


  1. yay Sebastian or maybe he'll come out Sabrina ;] hahaha. :)

  2. Hey Brit!

    That calzone recipe sounds delicious! Do you mind posting the recipe online or sending it to me?



  3. Lauren! I was just thinking about you yesterday morning, and wondering how you're doing!! And now here you are!! How are things? Are you done with grad school? You should email me a life update! The calzones actually turned out really well- they bake up great straight from the freezer. Here's where I found the instructions:

    I did basically exactly what she did, only using my own pizza dough recipe, which happens to be pretty much the same as hers. I did use half whole wheat flour though. My filling was different since I used what I had on hand, ground turkey and sauteed veggies and red pasta sauce, and I added in more cheese. I flash froze them and then packaged them in individual ziplocks (seran wrap stresses me out), and then piled them into larger freezer bags. To eat them, I preheated the oven to 350 and put one (or however many) on a cookie sheet straight from the freezer into the oven. They're done in 15-20 minutes! I recommend them for a quick meal!

  4. Hey Brit!

    Thank you for posting the recipe! It sounds delicious! I'm excited to try it!

    Anyhoo, I love reading your blog and seeing your family grow! You're truly lucky! I would love to send you a care package for "Cowboy" and Rory! What size clothes does she wear? Do you guys need anything for your new arrival? I lost your address and don't think I ever had your email (we used to talk through Facebook).

    To answer your question, no, I'm not done with school. I decided not to go into politics because I am truly disgusted by the political process, not only here, but around the world. Even though this is true, studying politics for so long, I'll still be able to use the skills I learned in my new field-- international/ development based medicine. So, long story short, I'm in a post-bacc program right now and will be applying to medical schools this coming spring. Hopefully, this coming fall, I'll be in medical school somewhere!

    Speaking of school, what is Blake studying? Are you still working as a translator? How is his new business going? Ahh!!! I have so many questions to ask you!!! We definitely need to catch up!!!


    P.S. make sure to send me your address again-- I love shopping for cute baby clothes and accessories!!!

  5. What's your email, Lauren? I'll answer all your questions and ask you a bunch!! Sounds like you're up to exciting things!!

  6. Hey Brit!

    My email is first name dot mccalla at Sorry for not writing it in normal email form, but a few times before, when I've left my email on blogs, I started getting crazy amounts of junk mail. I look forward to reading your email!!!
