Monday, September 12, 2011


This week the last of our fall activities is starting! We've got a full but fun schedule between cub scouts, MOPS, Bible study, and Blake's work and classes. Oh yeah, and we're having a baby.

I don't think I've written nearly as much about this pregnancy as the last one, mostly because it's been so easy. By easy, I mean that I've felt really, really good, and even more importantly, there's been none of the angst and emotional turmoil that I had with Rory. Whereas going from zero to one child seemed earthshaking, adding another seems like no big deal. I'm sure I'll be proven wrong. Thus, I've been exceedingly laid back regarding this little boy and his arrival, almost too much so! With Rory I was intent on her having a cute and orderly nursery; for this guy, I figure he'd be fine sleeping in a laundry basket and wearing white onesies all the time. I need to get on the ball and get his space all organized, and pack a bag for the hospital, and about a gazillion other things. But it will get done. Or it won't.

On a much more exciting note, my good friends Jenn and Cody had a beautiful baby girl eight days ago! Trinity Renae is such a sweetheart!
Me and Trinity!
Such a sweetie
The guys and their babies: Joe and Lisa's womb, Cody and Trinity, Jordan and Hannah, and Blake and Rory

Rory was sad to bid farewell to her friend Hannah last weekend; she had so much fun playing with her the last couple weeks. She now expects me to fill Hannah's void and crawl around the floor with her. It's not happening. I did get to pull out some autumn clothes for her, which was very fun! It's been very thundery and lighteningy here, and we've had tons of rain. I'm loving it! Blake (amazing man that he is), even brought me (and the other two ladies here) a pumpkin spice latte and some chocolates, and I got to pick a zucchini from the garden that I didn't know existed and make whole wheat zucchini bread!
They matched!
Favorite chasing game
They're just about the same size, despite the 6 month age difference!


  1. Congrats Jennifer and Cody! I have heard about Trinity but these are the first pictures I've seen.

  2. And on another note, is that Rory standing??
