Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reformation Day Etc.

On Bash's one week birthday, we celebrated Reformation Day! Festivities included an informal get together with a few friends, eating German-y food and playing an awesome board game (wise or otherwise). We spent the evening at my inlaws' house, since they live in a neighborhood with practically no trick or treaters, and I just didn't want to deal with trick or treaters this year. It was a delightful time!
A nod to the Diet of Worms...thanks, Luther!
Lil' Pumpkin
Sebastian in his sombrero
This is actually not a skunk outfit, but rather a punk outfit, with a mo-hawk! So she's a punk-skunk :)
  In other news, today is el Dia de los Muertos, which means it's our three year anniversary of having friends in Flagstaff! For the first few months of our marriage, we didn't know anyone our age or in the same place in life as us. All we did was hang out with Blake's parents and their friends. Then, three years ago today we were going to eat Mexican food after first service at church to commemorate the fiesta, but the restaurant was closed. So, we decided to go back to FCF for the potluck after second service. There, we met our friend Aimee who introduced us to her sister Laura who told us about an awesome Bible study filled with YOUNG people who could be our friends! We met so many wonderful people at that Bible study, and now we have lots of amazing friends- hooray!

Here are some more pictures of the last few days:
'kins loves to read, which warms our hearts!
My bud-o
New shoes!
My baby doll


  1. I can't wait to hear about how Rory assimilates to having a baby around...we've had it both ways (easy and hard) and I think it's fun to hear how it goes for other people! Oh, and I didn't know you were a Halloween snob but now I do (just kidding :)).

  2. Yay for meeting you! It's been a good 3 years!

  3. I don't blame Rory...pumpkins are gross!
