I think it's FINALLY safe to say we're pulling out of this eternal sickness. Blake's almost done with his antibiotic, the kids only have runny noses in the morning and coughs at night, and I never caught it too bad. It was not a fun couple of weeks. But we made it. And Blake bought me some new shoes I had been admiring at Landsend as an appreciation gift, thoughtful man.
Speaking of my husband, he's almost done with his ginormous portfolio for his non-credit course (hopefully he'll be granted a semester's worth of credits for his efforts). He has a big job interview next Tuesday; if he doesn't get this one he'll have to start looking elsewhere since his current job is ending. We're excited about this opportunity and are curious to know if it's what God has in store for us for the coming year!
Bash had his 18 months checkup and he is still in the first percentile! He seems so huge to me and eats an insane amount; I was sure he grew astronomically. He's holding steady to his curve and is wonderfully healthy, just tiny. I think approximately a quarter of his vocabulary consists of words along the lines of tractor, truck, car, ball... he's such a boy!
Rory, oh Rory. As delightful as she is she's given us some aggravation. Last night she had a disappointing milestone: we were at a party at a friend's house and when it came time to leave we couldn't find her. Marisa checked in one of the kid's rooms and discovered Aurora furtively devouring candy from an Easter basket. Marisa had put the basket on the dresser earlier and explained to Rory that it wasn't hers and she could not eat it. As soon as she was caught she threw an enormous fit; she knew she was doing something wrong and was angry about getting caught. After being disciplined when we got home Blake and I were able to have a talk with her about doing wrong things in secret and about all the people who were hurt by her actions. It was the first time she hid herself away and tried to hide her sin; before she would have gleefully announced to me that she had found candy. I suppose in a way it's positive since it indicates an awareness of doing something wrong, but I hate to see my baby girl losing any innocence.
Just a week and a half more of the semester; Blake needs a break and so do I! Hopefully we'll be able to go on a couple dates before the baby comes THIS MONTH and his summer classes start. We've had the new Les Miz for weeks and it's still in the wrapper sitting on the DVD player; it's time to remedy that!
Siempre es muy lindo leer tus noticias!!!!abrazo para los 4!!!!Por favor!!quiero saber cuando nace el new baby boy!!!