Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bashy's Birthday and Mom's Visit

We were blessed to have my mom here for a week over Bash's second birthday! We had a great time showing her our new little town, and exploring it more ourselves. A highlight from the last week or so was a fun BBQ at the home of some of our friends; we met them years ago in Flag and they moved to Williams a couple years ago. We already know a few other families as well; It's nice already having some community here and we're looking forward to making new friends! Of course, Blake's still in school so we're limiting our commitments like we've been over the last several years. However, graduation's on the horizon and we're excited to hang out with people again!

Bud-o's second birthday was a success! Rather than putting together a party like I do for Rory (who loves to play with her friends), I realized that Bashy doesn't really have little friends and could care less about an event like that. Instead, we had a family day on his birthday itself that included playtime on his own while Rory slept (a rare luxury!), a delicious dinner, time with his Gramma and Nana and Baba, and a few fun presents. Rory did chores to earn money to buy him a gift and we gave her her first budgeting lesson: one quarter in her giving box, one quarter in her savings box, and two quarters in her discretionary spending box! It was so sweet watching her labor over the decison about what to get him at the store! We finished birthday celebrations by going to a (sort of) local fall festival and pumpkin patch. They had hayrides, a carousel, train rides, tractors to sit on, a petting zoo, and other fun things. Bashy had the greatest time! We all thought it was a lot of fun!

He had a stuffy nose and had to miss Sunday school, but he got to play with his tractor at church and didn't mind.

Allowance boxes!

It happened that we were all in Flag on his birthday (the kids, myself, and Mom for MOPS, Blake for work) so we met up with Blake's parents and had a special b-day lunch.

Bash really enjoys having some alone time. He got some on his birthday when Rory took a long nap!

He also got to watch Mighty Machines with Gramma!

I had the brilliant idea of making him an indoor sandbox. Yes, those two words should not go together. But he LOVES it and so far it hasn't been too messy :)

He constantly begs to play with his sandbox (which he doesn't have free access to).

Oh, Rad. Such a sweetie!!

Tractor-pumpkin cupcakes for our trip to the pumpkin patch!

Pants are optional. Trucks are not.

So grown up!

Corn maze!

First carousel ride! Her look of wonder was so neat :)

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