Saturday, July 6, 2013

Of Mice and Math

Still waiting on housing in Williams. Trusting God and waiting until it's apparently action time.

Mice. Ugh. I never expected cute little mousies in my house would make me so squeamish. I've always been disgusted by the movie Ratatouille. We found little mouse poops last week and set a trap. We caught a mouse. We moved on. Then I saw a mouse dart across the kitchen floor a few evenings later. In half an hour we had packed up, woken the children from slumber, and moved into my inlaw's house indefinitely. After I had a meltdown and assured Blake it could not wait until morning. It would be one thing if it were just us, but with babies who are constantly playing on the floor and (shudder) eating off the floor, I am completely not okay with rodent roommates. We have since set more traps (no success), had one more sighting (I screamed, I'm embarrassed to say), threw away almost everything from the pantry (mouse doodoo on every shelf- appalling), and begun a serious bleaching of the house. Unfortunately, we have not caught any further intruders, and have no idea where they are coming from.

Math. Blake's final math class began this week. It's online, and it's condensed into five weeks. It's pretty awful. Back to survival mode...

In other news, we had a pleasant Independence Day. Blake likes his job. Williams is a very, very small town. I'm nervous. I think Flagstaff in the summer is just about the most wonderful thing ever. The monsoons are here and they are glorious. Rory talks nonstop. She yells everything she says. Bash adds a new word or so everyday; he's such a boy- his words are generally vehicle, sports, or food related. Rad is such a sweetie boy! He's watchful and calm and handsome and has begin to make cooing noises and give brief smiles! He's five weeks old today and I'm anxiously awaiting his personality. I'm also starting to put together a casual preschool curriculum for Rory Williams has no preschools (like I said, it's a small town) and I decided it would be good practice for me and provide some positive structure in the day for all of us.

Oh, we got a free tank of gas today! A local auto dealership was offering free tanks of gas to Honda owners;  since it was right by home we decided to check it out and got our almost empty tank filled up for free! Little blessings are sweet.

Mmm fresh whipped cream

Rad's awesome new space pod! Keeps out the siblings!

Duck lips after his first bath

Making muffins!

Rory and Kale'a! She's Rory's favorite friend to shriek with.

Playdate fun

Talking Tina is no more!

The first trip to Zips

Siesta time

I had a good mom moment and made some playdough.


4th of July

Perhaps a future lumberjack?

We went to the parade!

Blake and I had bad attitudes. It was hot. We got over it.

Balloon creations!

No words

Bash was unimpressed.

Matching shirts!

We take this picture every year. We add a baby every year!

Bash loves Blake's old trucks!

This is the greatest thing.

We went to the wedding of a couple friends!

They really look like siblings here!

I just love his little loafers!

The monsoons made them hyper! Well, Rory's generally hyper.

A friend took these pictures of cute little Raddie!

Sugar snap pea fun times. At lease they're good for something in her mind!

Eating is exhausting.

1 comment:

  1. Mice! So sorry! I have a funny story about mice, you should remind me to tell you sometime. Caulk and lots of it, was our secret. Keeps out most spiders, too. Just got to find every nook and cranny (or crack, anyway). I LOVE the pics of Conrad.
