Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Making Merry

An assortment of holiday-related thoughts:
- Nothing brings out the worst in me than working with contact paper (necessary for a Christmas project). I always experience brief bursts of irrational rage as it sticks to itself and gets all tangled. Grrrr.
- My parents are here until Christmas Eve! It's always nice to have extra arms that are eager to hold a baby or two.
- Bash got dedicated at church on Sunday! We're excited to see what God has in store for our little man, and our most fervent prayer is for Sebastian to strive to glorify God in everything he does. We covet your prayers as we try to raise our kids the best that we can, despite our many failures.
 - Bash hit the 8 week mark yesterday! He seems to be mellowing out some, and is sleeping really well, only getting up once! That's a huge improvement from his sister! He finally started smiling, and he's got the cutest lopsided, dimpled grin.
- I'm pretty sure Rory's never going to walk.
- In one week we fly to Cleveland and I'l get to see all of my best college friends at the wedding of one of them! I'm so excited, except for the flying-with-babies part!
- We're finishing up our homemade Christmas presents, and I'm so pleased with them. More on that after the holiday!
- Eggnog is soooooooooooo good.

1 comment:

  1. Kale'a got so excited seeing your babies up there on Sunday that I had to take her into the hallway!
