Monday, June 27, 2011

An Assortment of Thoughts

- For the first time in my life, I feel like I am getting a handle on housekeeping (except for the office/nursery. And the den/storage room. But let's not talk about that). I know this is destined to be a short-lived accomplishment, since come the end of October, our little boy is going to compromise my routine, but at the moment I'm enjoying the relative tidiness.

- Said tidiness has become a necessity anyway, since Aurora is...MOBILE!!! That's right, folks- at 12.5 months, the little sweetheart has finally condescended to crawl. Thus, sweeping/vacuuming/decluttering have taken on new importance.

- Rory's a year old, and I feel like I'm neglecting an important part of babyhood- a bedtime routine. Now, to justify myself a little, she's always been a very laid back baby who sort of just rolls with things, so Blake and I have never sensed a NEED to establish a set routine. Plus, we're out a lot in the evenings, often until her bedtime. Usually we're at my inlaws' house, so it's not like she's lacking for pre-bed cuddles, stories, and general affection, but nonetheless, we feel some sort of a routine could be somewhat of a comfort. However, we desire flexibility in this routine (is that an oxymoron?) so that it can be adjusted if we're traveling or out later than normal. What recommendations to you have? What routines work for you? We know we'd like it to include prayer time and stories and cuddles, probably not a bath (at least every time- generally we bathe her in the morning). Please share your thoughts!

- I realized last week that I have a slew of partially read books, which is kind of unusual for me; normally I finish one book before starting another. I have resolved to finish all of these books this summer- I'm shooting for one a week. Perhaps I'll review some of them here!

- Speaking of reviewing, I just have to say that I love my vacuum cleaner. Blake and I fretted over which vacuum to invest in for months before buying this vacuum in February. Previously, we bought a couple cheap Target/Walmart vacuums, which broke weeks into using them. We determined we wanted a vacuum that would last, a real workhorse that didn't need to do fancy tricks, but would consistently get the job done. If you're in the market for a new one but can't afford to pay a thousand dollars or something ridiculous like that, look into the Carpet Pro. I say that affectionately, from one former woebegone vacuum hunter to another (if you're out there).

- Chickens. I can't get chickens off my mind! I'm becoming more and more convinced that Blake and I need chickens. Not because I want them, mind you. No, I have absolutely ZERO enthusiasm when it comes to raising fowl. It's more of a grim determination; I want fresh chicken eggs, so chickens are a necessary evil. I'm hoping that Blake will love them and eagerly care for them. But I am not holding my breath. We are holding off on the chicken-purchase until our various friends who are raising them iron out all the kinks and can tell us their secrets. We will learn from them, and hopefully make this happen sometime in the next year as painlessly as possible. To be continued...


  1. Vicky Rising has been raising chickens for sometime now, and I'm sure would be happy to give you any information you want on the subject. Let me know if you want her number. Also, if you are still interested in renting space for our chickens let me know. :)

  2. Or you can just buy fresh chicken eggs from one of your friends... ;) It's definitely not a savings raising them! Our bedtime routine is basically the same wherever we are and whatever time it happens (though we aim for a consistent time). Jammies, teeth, read, sing, pray, kisses (or high fives now that they're older...). :) But that's just us. :)

  3. I want chickens too. I can't because HOA. I want the same reason fresh egg's. However, I don't know I personally would like to take care of chickens.

  4. I'm in the exact same situation Aimee. I've even considered trying to raise a couple of chickens "under the radar". :)

  5. Brittany, I believe the city has limits on where you can put chickens (something like they have to be 50 feet from any building). The Millers tried to have chickens a few years ago but the neighbors complained too much - you could talk to them about the regulations, etc.

  6. @Aimee- I love your bedtime routine! I'm sure we'll be incorporating elements of it!

    @Cindy- We'd definitely be interested in boarding your chickens if it works out for us to get them!

    @Laura- Thanks for the heads up- I'll look into the regulations!
