Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Things That Make Me Shudder:
1. Radish root-tails
2. The canned-meat section of the grocery store
3. Carpeted bathrooms
4. Obnoxious church signs
5. Parenting Magazine

Things That Make Me Delighted:
1. Clean snuggly babies
2. Tullys Kona Blend
3. Clean snuggly spousey
4. Composting*
5. My chronological Bible

*It's possible to take composing too far: yesterday, after discovering bellybutton lint from an anonymous source, I exclaimed: "We should compost it!"


  1. hahahah! you're funny! we both loved the cookie story too!

  2. Is the Kona bread you talk about a banana type bread? If so, my mom has a wonderful Kona bread recipe we can send you.
